Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We'll be back after this commercial break.

It's been an intense few days. There have been many things happening, many of which I'm choosing not to write about. It's not that I'm not comfortable sharing with everyone (what's a blog for, after all), it's that I think it might be somewhat disrespectful to the parties involved. So, there's that.

Because of the mysterious and vague aforementioned things, I'm way behind on school work and actual work. Turns out when something bad happens, you can't just ignore work and hopes it goes away. It piles up. PEOPLE DON'T DO YOUR WORK FOR YOU. I know, ridiculous.

So, because I actually have to be an adult for awhile, I'm taking a few more days off from blogging. But, on the plus side, I imported all the posts from my old blog, Second to a Sitcom. So if you're bored and need your daily (or twice daily. Don't be ashamed.) KV fix, check the archives. I haven't had time to clean things up or make it look like one, cohesive blog instead of two sister-blogs. Eh, I'll get to it.

Until next time.

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